MR TIME STYLE Watchstrap Design Contest


Min Do Young

South Korea




The 12 zodiac signs are the 12 main constellations that lie on the path the Sun travels,
and they are signs which represent different periods a person’s birthday lies in.
We created unique designs using the 12 constellations and symbols which represent them.
We transformed symbols into patterns in order to design straps, and created 12 symbolic colors inspired by the colorful stars.
The rug and the dial of the watches have different designs,
and we came up with unique designs that perfectly match the straps.


Min Do Young

South Korea




The 12 zodiac signs are the 12 main constellations that lie on the path the Sun travels,
and they are signs which represent different periods a person’s birthday lies in.
We created unique designs using the 12 constellations and symbols which represent them.
We transformed symbols into patterns in order to design straps, and created 12 symbolic colors inspired by the colorful stars.
The rug and the dial of the watches have different designs,
and we came up with unique designs that perfectly match the straps.

황도 12궁


South Korea




황도 12궁’이란 태양이 지나는 길에 있는 주요 별자리 12개를 말하며,
각각 탄생 시기를 나타내는 별자리를 말합니다.
12가지의 별자리와 그것을 상징하는 심벌을 이용하여 개성 있는 디자인을 해봤습니다.
심벌은 패턴화하여 스트랩을 디자인하였고, 다양한 색감으로 보이는 별에서 영감을 받아 12가지의 상징색을 넣어 디자인했습니다.
시계의 러그와 다이얼 또한 각각의 디자인이 다르며,
스트랩과 어울리는 개성있는 디자인을 만들어 봤습니다.