MR TIME STYLE Watchstrap Design Contest

This is a palace

Shin Yoo Ra

South Korea




How much are you interested in a ‘palace’?
When we used to see palaces before, we were only interested in the historical aspects and not in the designs and colors hidden here and there.
I was inspired by the thought that these design aspects should no longer be concealed but revealed to the world,
and this is why I tried to melt in the splendid and warm colors and designs, as well as the quiet atmosphere that I felt at the palace, into the watch.

This is a palace

Shin Yoo Ra

South Korea




How much are you interested in a ‘palace’?
When we used to see palaces before, we were only interested in the historical aspects and not in the designs and colors hidden here and there.
I was inspired by the thought that these design aspects should no longer be concealed but revealed to the world,
and this is why I tried to melt in the splendid and warm colors and designs, as well as the quiet atmosphere that I felt at the palace, into the watch.



South Korea




여러분은 “궁” 이라는 곳에 대해 얼마나 관심있나요?
예전에 궁을 보면 우리나라의 역사만 관심있었지 곳곳에 숨어있는 디자인과 색감은
관심이 없었죠. 이제는 숨어있지말고 세상밖으로 나왔으면 좋겠다는 마음으로 영감받아

궁에서 느꼈던 화려하고 따뜻한 색감과 디자인 그리고 고즈넉한 분위기를
시계 속에 그대로 담아봤습니다.