MR TIME STYLE Watchstrap Design Contest

I am Nando, a Korean tattooist.
I am thirty-two years old and currently work in Hannamdong. 
I started studying art at an arts high school and learned professional drawing at university. 
It was in Spain when I got interested in tattoos while traveling and working for two years. 
After coming back to Korea and studying at school, I slowly started learning tattoo art
and it’s already been seven years since then.

I am Nando, a Korean tattooist.
I am thirty-two years old and currently work in Hannamdong. 
I started studying art at an arts high school and learned professional drawing at university. 
It was in Spain when I got interested in tattoos while traveling and working for two years. 
After coming back to Korea and studying at school, I slowly started learning tattoo art
and it’s already been seven years since then.

저는 한국의 타투이스트 난도입니다.
올해 한국나이로 32살이 되었고, 현재 서울 한남동에서 작업을 하고있습니다.
고등학생때부터 예술고등학교를 다니면서 미술을 시작하였고 미대를 다녀 전문적으로 그림을 배웠고,
스페인에서 2년동안 여행과 일을하면서 생활하던중 타투에 흥미를 느끼게되었습니다.
그리고 한국으로 돌아온 후 학교생활을 하면서 천천히 타투에대해 공부하기 시작하였고
어느덧 작업을 시작한지 올해로 7년이 되었습니다.

Smartwatch and vintage
I mainly apply detailed designs based on the skills that I have acquired from art school. 
In terms of expression, I try to create customized designs. Since I work directly on the skin and not on paper, 
it is important to continuously study and deeply think about the changes in color, distortion of forms and differences of drawing that may occur because of the skin type, to 
do various types of tattoo drawing. 
When working with leather items, it’s not easy to get that smooth color development as I do with my original tattoo drawings. 
That’s why in terms of design, I really tried to harmonize the elements that mostly appear in my tattoo drawings with the watch strap in a simple way.
You will get that feel of vintage, as the strap is not just made in on ordinary way but is completed by making scratches on the leather and inserting pigments.

I mainly apply detailed designs based on the skills that I have acquired from art school. 
In terms of expression, I try to create customized designs. Since I work directly on the skin and not on paper, 
it is important to continuously study and deeply think about the changes in color, distortion of forms and differences of drawing that may occur because of the skin type, to 
do various types of tattoo drawing. 
When working with leather items, it’s not easy to get that smooth color development as I do with my original tattoo drawings. 
That’s why in terms of design, I really tried to harmonize the elements that mostly appear in my tattoo drawings with the watch strap in a simple way.
You will get that feel of vintage, as the strap is not just made in on ordinary way but is completed by making scratches on the leather and inserting pigments.

스마트워치 와 빈티지
제 타투 작업은 미술을 전공하며 익힌 기본기를 바탕으로 디테일한 표현을 주로 사용합니다.
표현방식에 있어서 독자적인 방식을 만들기 위해 노력하며 종이가 아닌 피부에 작업을 하는것이여서
거기서 나타날 수 있는 색의 변화, 형태의 왜곡, 피부타입에 따른 작업의 차이점 등 계속해서 공부하고
고민하며 다양하게 작업을 진행합니다.
가죽작업같은경우 기존 제 타투작업처럼 부드럽게 발색이 되는것은 힘듭니다.
그래서 디자인적으로, 제 작업에 주로 나타나는 요소들을 심플하게 시계줄과 최대한 어우러질수있게
작업을 진행하였습니다.
일반적으로 찍어내는 방식이 아닌 타투의 방식으로, 가죽에 상처를 내어 잉크를 깊이 묻혀놓는,
빈티지(vintage)한 느낌을 받으실수있을겁니다.