It is a great pleasure to meet you ‘Ntv_79‘. Please introduce your country, age group, occupation, SNS , hobby and etc.
Hello, all MR TIME. My name is Ntv_79. I am 40 years old. I live in Hanoi capital of Vietnam. I am working with my small hi-techt shop.
What smart watch model are you using?
I am using Samsung Galaxy watch 46mm
Where does your design inspiration come from?
I often reference a lot of designs from other designers and from traditional watchs, from which I will design the best way for my watchface.
Most of your recent designs are real like watches, why do you pursue that works?
I really like the real-like designs, the purpose of this is to help smart wath look like a traditional watch that really incorporates only things that are on smartwatch like counting steps, weather … will making smart watch more beautiful and fashionable.
What does watch face mean to Smart Watch users?
Watch face shows the style, personality of the user, besides changing the watch face can help users coordinate with clothes, hats, bags … to create a fashion style separately.
How do you create the image you need to design your watch face with MR TIME?
I use photoshop app to create the image and combine with default elements of MR TIME app to design my watch face.
What is your most affectionate watch face?
I like all the watch face I designed, especially the watch faces with bright AOD, it’s not black and white in AOD mode
Have you ever designed watch face for your special one? (eg. for family or lover)
Yes, I have. Some time, I design watch face for some my close friends.
Which friend? (Anakara Kool, last month’s best designer, mentioned you at the last interview :D)
HAHA, AnakaraKool is a close friend of mine, we often exchange and share experiences with each other in our group. AnakaraKool’s watch faces are very beautiful. Cheer!
What do you care most about watch face design?
I often care most about the authenticity, accuracy and suitability of components, information on the watchface.
Why do you think many users like your watch face? Is there any special reason?
I think my watch faces are designed with a wide variety of types and styles, so it might also suit different people’s needs.
Do you have any experience of using watch face tool except for MR TIME?
I think, the idea is important, when I have the idea, I will combine photoshop and try it directly on the MR TIME app to adjust the design to the most appropriate and accurate.