구독 플랜을 취소/환불하고 싶어요. 어떻게 해야 하나요?

I want to refund/cancel my subscription pass.

I want to refund/cancel my subscription pass.

<구독 취소>

1. Google play 접속
2. 내 프로필 선택
3. [결제 및 정기 결제 – 정기 결제 -TIMEFLIK] 선택
4. 구독 취소

<구독 환불>

**결제 후 48시간이 지나지 않았다면**
1. 구글 플레이 스토어 접속
2. 내 프로필 선택
3. 고객센터
4. Google play에서 환불 요청하기.

**결제 후 48시간이 지났다면**

주문 번호가 포함된 Google play 영수증과 TIMEFLIK 아이디를 첨부하여 타임플릭 고객 서비스 센터로 문의 부탁드립니다.(help@apposter.com)
TIMEFLIK 환불 규정에 따라 환불 처리됩니다.

* 월간 구독 결제 후 3일(무료 기간 포함 10일) 이내에만 전액 환불
* 연간 구독 결제 후 7일 (무료 기간 포함 14일) 이내에만 전액 환불
* 이후 전액/부분환불 불가
*구글 플레이 정책상 부분 환불은 지원하지 않습니다.
*구글 플레이 결제 시스템상 일부 결제 수단의 경우 결제 후 48시간이 초과되면 환불이 불가능할 수 있습니다.

<Cancel Subscriptioin>

You can cancel your subscription either from the Google Play Store website or from the Google Play Store app.

1. Google Play Store
2. Account
3. Payments&subscription > Subscription> TIMEFLIK
4. Cancel subscription

<Request a refund>

**Less than 48 hours after purchase**

1. Google Play Store
2. Account
3. Help & Feedback
4. Request a refund on Google Play

**More than 48 hours after purchase**
Email(help@apposter.com) us with a Google Play receipt(the one with the order number) and TIMEFLIK ID.
We will give you a refund according to our refund policy.

<Refund Policy>
– Within 3 days(10 days, including free trial) of monthly plans payment : Full refund
– Within 7 days(14 days, including free trial) of annual plans payment : Full refund
– Otherwise, no full/partial refund
*Due to Google Play policy, a partial refund is not supported
*Due to Google Play payment system, some payment methods may not be refundable after 48 hours of payment.

<Cancel Subscriptioin>

You can cancel your subscription either from the Google Play Store website or from the Google Play Store app.

1. Google Play Store
2. Account
3. Payments&subscription > Subscription> TIMEFLIK
4. Cancel subscription

<Request a refund>

**Less than 48 hours after purchase**

1. Google Play Store
2. Account
3. Help & Feedback
4. Request a refund on Google Play

**More than 48 hours after purchase**
Email(help@apposter.com) us with a Google Play receipt(the one with the order number) and TIMEFLIK ID.
We will give you a refund according to our refund policy.

<Refund Policy>
– Within 3 days(10 days, including free trial) of monthly plans payment : Full refund
– Within 7 days(14 days, including free trial) of annual plans payment : Full refund
– Otherwise, no full/partial refund
*Due to Google Play policy, a partial refund is not supported
*Due to Google Play payment system, some payment methods may not be refundable after 48 hours of payment.

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