MR TIME STYLE Watchstrap Design Contest

Concept artist/Cartoonist
An enthusiast who craves for overall pop culture such as movies, games, comics and toys etc.
Currently living the life of an ‘enthusiast’ who used to be an ordinary product designer but who now draws animation concept art and webtoons. 
– Product design of Samsung Electronics
– Animation concept artist: Voltron, Legendary Defender(Dreamworks) / Justice League, The Death of Superman(Warner bros.) and others
– Currently posting: Underground blood pack (Daum webtoon)

Concept artist/Cartoonist
An enthusiast who craves for overall pop culture such as movies, games, comics and toys etc.
Currently living the life of an ‘enthusiast’ who used to be an ordinary product designer but who now draws animation concept art and webtoons. 
– Product design of Samsung Electronics
– Animation concept artist: Voltron, Legendary Defender(Dreamworks) / Justice League, The Death of Superman(Warner bros.) and others
– Currently posting: Underground blood pack (Daum webtoon)

컨셉 아티스트 / 만화가.
영화, 게임, 만화, 토이 등 팝 컬쳐 전반을 아우르는 덕심의 소유자.
한때는 평범한 제품디자이너였으나 현재는 애니메이션 컨셉아트와 웹툰을 그리는
‘성덕의 삶’을 살아가는 중.
-삼성전자 제품디자인
-애니메이션 컨셉 아티스트 : 볼트론, 전설의 수호자(Dreamworks) / 저스티스 리그, 수퍼맨의 죽음(Wanner Bros.)외 다수
-웹툰 연재 중 : 언더그라운드 블러드팩(다음 웹툰)

Portraits of the Aspects / 2018
: The main theme of the webtoon is the two aspects of ‘jealousy’ and ‘war’ from the “Portait of the Aspects” which is a serial webtoon that started off from the curiosity about ‘what would the numerous existences and concepts, or the so-called the aspects that compose our world look like’.
– ‘Jealousy’ is blind and harbors vulgar enviousness amid cynicalness.
– ‘War’ continuously wanders around in the ruins looking for a target for destruction with idol and violence in both hands.

Portraits of the Aspects / 2018
: The main theme of the webtoon is the two aspects of ‘jealousy’ and ‘war’ from the “Portait of the Aspects” which is a serial webtoon that started off from the curiosity about ‘what would the numerous existences and concepts, or the so-called the aspects that compose our world look like’.
– ‘Jealousy’ is blind and harbors vulgar enviousness amid cynicalness.
– ‘War’ continuously wanders around in the ruins looking for a target for destruction with idol and violence in both hands.

“위상들의 초상” (Portraits of the Aspects / 2018)
: ‘우리 세계를 구성하는 수 많은 존재와 개념- 즉 위상들은 과연 어떠한 모습일까’ 라는
호기심에서 출발한 테마 연작 “위상들의 초상” 중 두 개의 위상,
‘시기'(Jealousy)와 ‘전쟁'(War)을 테마로 작업했습니다.
-‘시기’는 맹목적이며 냉소적인 가운데 저열한 질투심을 내면에 품고 있습니다.
-‘전쟁’은 폐허 가운데 우상과 폭력을 양손에 거머쥐고 끝없이 파괴의 대상을 찾아 헤매고 있습니다.