MR TIME STYLE Watchstrap Design Contest

David Flores was introduced to oil painting by his mother at the age of 7. Since then, David enjoys creating art
as a muralist, painter and designer. Where his work translate from walls and canvas to large sculpture and product design.
He does not note the difference since all it takes is to create.
David is best known for his instantly recognizable mosaic or segmented style, which formed organically after
years of creating skate graphics. By 18 he was Internationally published and creating
logos that are still heavily used in the skate industry today.
Flores has an unrelenting need to constantly be creating.
His images are often famous iconic portraits and Americana. He enjoys participating
with a variety of companies to perform his work. Some of these opportunities have led to
great collaborations with Barney’s New York, Disney, Oakley, The Olympic Games, Medicom,
Stussy, Nike, The Los Angeles Dodgers, The New York Racing Association,
The Nelson Mandela Foundation, Equinox, The Mexican Consulate.

David Flores was introduced to oil painting by his mother at the age of 7. Since then, David enjoys creating art
as a muralist, painter and designer. Where his work translate from walls and canvas to large sculpture and product design.
He does not note the difference since all it takes is to create.
David is best known for his instantly recognizable mosaic or segmented style, which formed organically after
years of creating skate graphics. By 18 he was Internationally published and creating
logos that are still heavily used in the skate industry today.
Flores has an unrelenting need to constantly be creating.
His images are often famous iconic portraits and Americana. He enjoys participating
with a variety of companies to perform his work. Some of these opportunities have led to
great collaborations with Barney’s New York, Disney, Oakley, The Olympic Games, Medicom,
Stussy, Nike, The Los Angeles Dodgers, The New York Racing Association,
The Nelson Mandela Foundation, Equinox, The Mexican Consulate.

데이비드 플로레스는 7살 무렵 어머니를 통해 유화를 처음 접한 이후로 화가, 벽화가, 디자이너로서 예술작업을 하고 있다.
그는 벽이나 캔버스와 같은 공간에 머물지 않고 커다란 조각품이나 제품 디자인으로까지 작품의 경계를 넓혔다.
그에게 있어 작품 형태의 차이는 중요하지 않다. 무엇인가를 창조한다는 것이 중요할 뿐이다.
데이비드 플로레스는 모자이크나 면 분할처럼 단번에 알 수 있는 그만의 스타일로 유명하다. 이러한 스타일은 플로레스가 수 년 동안 전념해 온
스케이트보드의 그래픽 작업 이후 체계적으로 완성되었다.
18살 때 데이비드 플로레스는 자신의 작품을 국제적으로 알리게 되고
현대 스케이트보드 산업에서 여전히 활발히 사용되고 있는 로고를 제작하게 된다.
플로레스는 무언가를 계속해서 창조하고자 한다.
데이비드 플로레스라는 아티스트에 대해 사람들은 유명 인물의 초상화와 미국적인 이미지를 주로 떠올린다.
그는 현재 다양한 여러 회사들과 작품 활동을 즐기고 있다.
이러한 협업 기회를 통해 바니스 뉴욕(Barney’s New York), 디즈니, 오클리(Oakley), 올림픽 게임, 메디콤(Medicom),
스투시(Stussy), 나이키, 엘에이 다저스, 뉴욕경마협회, 넬슨 만델라 재단, 에퀴녹스(Equinox), 멕시코 영사관과의 멋진 콜라보 작업을 완성할 수 있었다.